Texas Misdemeanor & Felony Charges

My hood got a small dent and nothing happened to the truck in front of me. In order to have Class B Misdemeanors expunged or sealed, it depends on how the cases were disposed of.

You may lose the right to vote; the right to own or possess a firearm, and you will likely be denied the opportunity to serve in the military or obtain processional licenses, i.e. doctor, lawyer, architect, CPA, etc. Law enforcement, detectives, and especially prosecutors know the ins and outs of the criminal justice process in your case and may try to use this knowledge against you, if you do not have experienced defense counsel. Having a FIERCE ADVOCATE on your side will even up the sides and protect you from agreeing to anything without first understanding all the implications and costs or benefits of doing so. Logue represented me well and took care of my legal issues superbly. He is a no-nonsense, very knowledgeable and well respected lawyer.

Because this crime is handled on a local level, the punishments for it can differ significantly. Some states, such as Montana and Nevada, don’t have laws against being intoxicated in public, but individual towns and cities may.

The district attorney or prosecutor’s office must also be served with notification of your request. Their office will review the petition, confirm if you are eligible for the requested relief and then file any objections or opposition that they may have.

You have Class A misdemeanors; Class B misdemeanors; Class C misdemeanors and unclassified misdemeanors. An unclassified misdemeanor just means it doesn’t fit into any of watching the watchmen the other three groupings. They are kind of the unique cases, like if someone sells cars without a license.

Without getting the expunction done, it would show up on a background check and likely preclude you from becoming a corrections officer. Even though I maintained a safe distance, I was not able to completely stop my car.

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